2022 Early Career Award
Swathi Swaminathan
They completed their PhD in 2017. They have built a broad, rigorous research program focusing on how music and the arts relate to cognition across the lifespan. This includes influential publications on the role of training and aptitude in musical and nonmusical cognitive skill development, overlap between musical skills, speech and language, and music and emotion.
They have mentored over 30 undergraduate research projects in both Canada and India, including 6 theses and 14 independent projects, and serve on the anti-racism and equity committee of SMPC. They are currently a postdoc at Western University, funded by the BrainsCAN postdoctoral fellowship.
Congratulations to the postdoctoral SMPC Early Career Award recipient,
Swathi Swaminathan.
As read by Adena Schachner at the 2022 SMPC Meeting